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Christmas Waffles with Pistachios & Strawberry Jam

It's that time of the year!

Christmas is almost here and even if this time it probably will be quite a different holiday but still, we should enjoy it as much as we can!

And today, I'm sharing with you an idea for Christmas breakfast which can absolutely bring the holiday spirit!

The recipe is for Christmas Waffles with Pistachios and Strawberry Jam :)

You can just cook them and because of the colors, you still will get the mood or arrange them easily as I did to bring them to the next level!

So, enjoy the recipe along with some interesting Christmas facts ;)

  • Scientists figured out that for Santa to deliver all the world’s gifts on Christmas Eve he would need to visit 822 homes a second traveling 650 miles a second or 2,340,000 miles per hour (3,765,865 kph)

  • For 13 years, between 1647 and 1660, Christmas was banned in the UK by Cromwell after the English Civil War.

  • Our needley favorite, the Christmas tree, doesn’t need to be thrown away every year, some parts are edible including the needles themselves which are a source of Vitamin C.

  • The holly inside a wreath actually represents Jesus’ Crown and the red berries represent his blood.

  • In 2015, the world’s first Christmas card commissioned by Sir Henry Cole in 1843 sold for £8,469 ($10,513.84). The hand-colored card pictured a family drinking wine.

  • The star of Bethlehem that guided the wise-men is believed to be a comet or Uranus.

  • Our favorite pudding, the Christmas pudding, was initially a soup made with raisins and wine.

  • Edward Johnson invented the first electrical tree lights in 1882.

  • The first Christmas was supposedly held in York, UK in 521AD.

  • According to Biblical Scholars, Jesus was more than likely born in a cave not a stable as the tale says.

  • The Christmas-card staple, the red robin, was originally a joke mocking postman who wore red tunics. These postmen were known as robins.

  • Noel actually comes from the French phrase “les bonnes nouvelles” or “the good news”.

  • Many peoples favorite carol “Jingle Bells” written in 1857 was actually written for thanksgiving and was called “on horse open sleigh!”

  • Turkey wasn’t always the Christmas-go-to, England’s traditional meal of choice was actually a pig’s head and mustard.

  • Santa Claus has worn many colors in his time including Blue, Green, white and Red. The red suit came about when Coca-Cola had an advertisement campaign in the 30’s.

  • The word Christmas comes from the old English meaning Christ’s mass (Cristes maesse).

  • The first Christmas crackers were made in London in 1847 by Tom Smith.

  • The term “Boxing Day” is supposed to come from the money raised for the poor in church alms-boxes.

  • The Beatles had Christmas number ones in 1963, 65 and 67, giving them the record for the most Christmas number ones.

  • Rudolph isn’t as historic as we believe; it was actually created in 1938 by a US marketing company. *source

So let's jump to the recipe!

Prep: 20 min

Cook time: 20 min

Level: medium

Servings: 6 pieces

Calories per serving: 367 kcal

Find the recipe & nutrition facts below :


  • 2 1/4 cups of all-purpose flour

  • 1 tbsp baking powder

  • 1/2 cup of any sweetener (better works with sugar)

  • 1 pinch of salt

  • 2 cups of unsweetened soy milk (or any other plant milk)

  • 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil

  • 2 tbsp of pistachio paste

  • 2 tbsp of strawberry jam


Step 1: Place flour and baking powder, sugar, and salt in a large bowl. Mix together.

Step 2: Mix in the soy milk and vegetable oil. Whisk the mixture until it forms into a smooth batter.

Step 3: Grease the waffle iron with a drop of vegetable oil and turn it on

Step 4: Divide the batter into two parts. In one add around 2 tbsp pistachio paste, and in the other add in 2 tbsp of strawberry jam.

Step 5: Pour the batter into the waffle iron according to its instructions.

Step 6: If you want to decorate them as little trees. Cut the waffle into 3 triangles and place one on top of the other. On the bottom, you can place a small part of chocolate. And on top place some blueberries and some powdered sugar.



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